Halloween Kills
So, I have this funny thing that happens when I like something. I get really passionate about it, live and breath it 24/7, then I try to get others hooked on it as well. Usually, some of these things start to lose quality as time passes on. Some of these things don’t age well.
But, being passionate about something for me usually means thet even if the wheels fall off, I am still there.
I am not sure if I had ever mentioned this, but I LOVE horror films.
One of my favorite series is Halloween. Actually, Halloween 4 was the first horror film I ever saw. Been traumatized ever since.
Unfortunately, the Halloween series suffered a slow and painful death.
Trick or treat, Motherfucker.:// THE HARD REBOOT
So Rob Zombie’s take on Halloween gets a lot of shit. Hell, I honestly only remember the 1st one.
(Dude needs to stop casting his wife in all of his projects by the way)
Don’t get me wrong, visually dude knows what he’s doing. But Halloween + Hillbilly Horror don’t mix well.
When Halloween 2018 came out, that shit changed my life. It was perfect in every sense. Jamie Lee Curtis was back. John Carpenter was back. Tommy Lee Wallace was back
Fuck me.
It was perfect in every way. Every scene, every shot, every line of dialogue. Have you heard “Halloween Triumphant”? That shit will change your life, son.
Halloween Kills is an extremely divisive movie.
I went into the theater expecting to have my life changed for the third time as an adult man, however, I left the theater feeling “strange”.
As a second part of a trilogy, Halloween Kills does deliver on the name. A LOT of people take a dirt nap thanks to my man Michael. The issue is that there is quite a bit of story added. There is a HUGE moment added to the (new) Mythology. A moment that was only mentioned in one line of dialogue in the previous film.
I appreciate the world building, but I did miss seeing Michael take center stage.
There is one huge revelation that came to me.
Michael isn’t after Laurie Strode. Hell, he doesn’t even give a shit about her. It turns out that he went after her in the previous film because his Doctor was obsessed with having them face each other that he orchestrated Michael’s escape from the Asylum.
There was also another interesting part in Halloween.
It is a line of dialogue that could explain why Michael is, well Michael.
Honestly, I think this film will have a definitive place in fans hearts once Halloween Ends comes out.

Michael’s gonna fuck you up.
A close friend of mine once said: “’till the wheels fall off”. And that’s my stance on the Halloween series.
Whatever they put out, I will be there day one.
One valuable lesson I learned while waiting for Halloween Kills: no more trailer breakdowns for me.
Fuck you, YouTube.