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Super Mario Bros U DELUXE


As a Sega fan, I must admit that I have only beaten 1 Super Mario title in my lifetime. Although only one, it was Super Mario World on the SNES.

The only Nintendo console I actually purchased has been the GameCube. And the reason for that was the [then] exclusivity of Resident Evil 4, Zero and the REmake. Also, as a Sega fan, I have only beaten one Legend of Zelda game, another classic, Ocarina of Time. I decided to purchase a Nintendo Switch for the family, and man, it has not disappointed.


As it goes for this current gen, I only have the Switch. I haven’t picked up the PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One. I do my “hardcore” gaming on PC, which in itself has been liberating.

When we first got it, the only game I purchased was Breath of the Wild. We tried it out but were taken out of the game rather quickly thanks to its open-world nature. A few months later, we saw an in-store demo of Kirby Star Allies. Two minutes later, I was paying for Kirby at the checkout.

Kirby turned out to be an awesome game, very colorful and most importantly, fun. Mostly due to the local co-op, this is something Nintendo and their consoles are extremely good at. Something which Microsoft got right on the original Xbox.

[As a side note, we did give Zelda another shot. Since then, my life has changed forever ^_^]


The characters are standard fare, Mario, Luigi, Toad & Toadette. Doing the same as usual, rescuing Peach from an attack by Bowser.

The world map also gets progressively challenging as the game goes on. One of the best levels is called BOARDING THE AIRSHIP, which is heavily inspired by WING FORTRESS ZONE.

Super Mario Bros U DELUXE is an attractive package due to the inclusion of Luigi U as well. Luigi’s game plays out the same as the main title, same story, same map. The difference is that each level is completely reworked and you have less time as a player to complete each level. Which already makes the game much more challenging.

Platforming baby


The biggest pain in the ass of Luigi U is, well, Luigi. In the main game, I used Mario, who controls pretty well. Luigi, on the other hand, is extremely floaty and feels like every level is made of ice.

The coolest thing about him though is that his animations make him look pretty bad as, compared to Mario.