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Four point zero


So, as of this post, the site is now running version 4.0.

I tried using the way back machine to showcase previous versions for this post. But, there are no generated archives online.

So this version was’t something I was planning on. I love my previous version (I LOVED IT).

But, as it goes in the online world, one server update can fuck up your shit, real good.

:// 4.0

It was one day before Resident Evil Village came out. Curiously enough, I had just added Production Notes to my very first entry. I was feeling real good about that post too. It turns out there were some buried feelings that came out while typing up that piece. Feelings of joy no doubt, but it reminded me how lucky I am to be able to have such stories to tell and not to mention, this site which allows me to catalog not only work, but everything I make as well.

So when version 3.0 went tits up, I was at a very ugly cross roads. Either try to re-install that version and make all of those custom .css changes (again), or, bite the bullet and start fresh with a completely new style.

I let the idea rattle around my head for a few hours, hell, I even slept on it.


I came up with the idea of trying one quick “dirty” refresh.

It didn’t work.

Fuck it.

New beginnings it is.


Back-ups are a pain in the ass to do. Just because the more work you have to back-up, the more work it is to keep track of.

My home server has also started acting up, it’s been a work horse for the past 12 years. What sucks is that ALL of my source files are on it. I’m sure there is a quick fix, but that has to wait for this summer.

Best case it can be a one day project.

Normal case it can be a weekend project.

Worse case it can take a week to figure out.

Worst-worse case I am completely fucked.

I’ll report on that later…

I’m not sure if many people noticed, but my last two projects GOBLIN6 OUTBREAK SERVER and GOST V3 are the only projects which actually have hi def images on them. This is because I was too lazy to back these up on my server, and I had these files locally. The rest of the projects have their images slightly overstretched to a higher resolution.

Which makes them not look as “crispy” as the other two projects.

I hate that, but I have to let that one simmer until I can figure the server issue.

3.0 2015 – 2021


Once everything was up and running with the current look, after a few tweaks to the layout, everything came out better than I thought.

I honestly don’t give a shit about responsive websites, or mobile-friendly websites, but this site has that. Fuck it.

I am super happy that the current layout does compliment my gray and blue aesthetic. Not to mention that sweet, sweet Inconsolata font.


One thing I did realize during this entire shit-show was how much I enjoy working on projects. Hell, “fixing” the site was a project in itself. Not to mention up-keeping a site is also a project (posting, new work, etc).

So there was another thing I also realized.

My site used to be solely portfolio focused. Which was great, but there were two sites which I have stumbled upon a few months ago thanks to two of my buddies. These sites reminded me that the most important thing about a personal website is to have fun.

I don’t want to spoil anything, I think everyone should experience these sites just as I did, going in completely blind and being blown away.

I give you:




You are welcome.

Credit where credit is due. These sites fucking rock. Although they are very different from each other they have one thing in common.

The diversity in the work. Not to mention the output.

Hopefully I can reach that level of output and quality very soon. For some reason I always feel I am running behind everyone else.

Part of the trade I guess.


I’ll be honest, one of the reasons for that was because version 3.0 was somewhat of a pain in the ass to add projects to. It was old code, so implementing anything was like getting teeth pulled.

One bright spot about this whole crash was that adding anything to this version of the site is actually super easy and straight forward.

I just have to make shit.

Here we go baby.