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The Crypt

>> PROJECT – The Crypt <<


A few months back, I was going through my folders to try and have everything organized. I usually do a great job but there is the rare occasion that folders are placed where they are a bit hard to find.

I think I should really take the time to lean back and come up with a folder structure.

That way I can know exactly where everything is.


That’s another project on the docket.


I was digging around my folders and started finding all these renders I had done over the years. Some were sketches, a quick idea thrown together to see how the idea looked. Some were more refined, smaller pieces that would be a part of a bigger project but in the end, I would not follow through with that project and I would just start adding to the pile.

Some of these are decent.

I am a huge sucker for ambient occlusion.

As usual, the source files are no where to be found. This is probably my biggest sin when it comes to producing personal work.

I think once I can catch up on this site (making sure every project has notes like these) I will focus on cataloguing everything correctly.

Backing up every directory as well.

Good thing I have a multi-screen set up at home.

Looks like it’s going to be Netflix time once I start backing everything up.