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I love a good Alien flick, who doesn’t right? I’d dare say it’s almost un-American not to.

Although The Vicious Brothers have only made 3 flicks I do like the majority of their ideas and methods. Their movies are usually met with mixed/bad reviews [PS who cares about reviews right? They suck. If you like it try it].

I think if they keep at it they will lock down their formula and start pumping out hit after hit. Now I don’t mean Transformers or Pirates of the Caribbean 3 hits. I mean Fight Club, Inception, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo [Europe edition] hits.

These Canadian brothers will be bonafide God-Damn-Sexual-Tyrannosaurus-Rex’s. [plural]

Extraterrestrial starts with the premise of a group of friends going to a Cabin for a weekend to relax. Bold stuff. There is a human glue to the group in the form of their friendship. Some people have bigger problems which no one else knows about. At the beginning of the flick you think you have everyone figured out but they do surprise you as the story plays out.

Although this does seem like a bro-mance letter to The Vicious Brothers there is one major missed opportunity throughout the entire film.

You can see the Aliens full frontal throughout the entire picture.

I think if they would have gone the Jaws route and only showed you The Grays until the very end of the movie they would have caused a tremendous impression on the viewer.

Basically if they would have let the viewer’s imagination get the best of them the reveal would have given a fantastic impression and really scared the living crap out of everyone. Thanks to being able to see the Aliens [practically] since the very beginning they don’t seem to feel as scary as they could/should have been.

For example think of Alien movies such as: the original Alien [of course], Fire in the Sky and The Fourth Kind. these movies built up the creatures by allowing the audience to let their imagination get the best of them. Then, towards the very end you get punched in the nuts and have the living daylights scared out of you.

Don’t get me wrong, Waterproof did an amazing job with the VFX. But alas, because of the early reveal the impression of the Grays seems less menacing.


Haha. No Grays here. Watch the Movie.

Plus, this is one of those movies where the Trailer gives too much away. They could have really taken people for a wild ride if they would have followed the Jaws formula.

Keep an eye on these guys though. I can’t wait to see what they come up with next.