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Life sucks, well, it doesn’t really suck. What sucks is that time is relevant now. 

As a [somewhat] responsible adult, I’ve come to the realization that the hours and minutes in everyday tick away at what seems to be an extremely fast rate. Hell, I don’t even think I drive as fast as time seems to disappear.

I have however, been able to “hack” some of that time and get the most out of certain moments.

They key now is to have more of those awesome fulfilling moments to “chain” together an awesome day, everyday.


My life is split into two major halves. First, I am a family man. I am lucky to have my queen and two [sometimes] well behaved children. In this aspect, I have won at life. I get to spend the rest of my life with 3 people which I love greatly, everyday is extremely special and I am grateful for it. 


The other half, which I have been neglecting horribly is my nerd side. There are many geeky things which I love. Gaming, Art, Reading, etc.

The plan is to continue to grow that nerdy side, without it creeping into my family time of course. 

Now, some people say that “they don’t have time”. 

Liars, they’re just lazy. 

Hell, that blog or website ain’t gonna update itself. 

I am guilty of this behavior myself, but I have finally “fallen-out-of-love” with wasting time.

Here we go baby, max settings, max pain.


I love gaming, as I have written before, it is a great part of my creative side. I have been streaming regularly for about a year now, which is how I came to the realization that I was actually doing three things at once while simply “gaming”.

First, yes, I was playing a video game. But I was recording it at the same time to later edit and upload to my Resident Evil fansite. And, I was entertaining viewers. Now don’t get me wrong, I have no idea what I’m doing, but people seem to enjoy it and I have been growing a steady following. 

I am not looking to be a professional streamer, hell no, that would suck. 

I’d rather be engaging with my chat than have 50k viewers with an energy drink logo all over my stream.

>> Monster Energy, if you’re reading, email me. <<

So the stream takes care of my “sit down gaming”. But there is another area I could also tap into: handheld gaming.

For that, I am officially strapped. I have a modded PSP, a modded DS, a vanilla 3DS and a modded PSVITA

Goddamn. Next.

There is an infinite number of titles which I can play on all of those systems. Not to mention, each title will also become an entry on this blog. 

See? Two things by doing one.

The Gracelands


I have 3 sites, this one which hosts my personal projects and this blog. As mentioned above, my gaming will feed into my blog, as well as my movie and TV viewing. 

My Resident Evil fan site is fueled by news on the series and my stream

My third site, LIGHTMACHINE, is where I will put all of my decades of gaming to work, by creating my own games.

So by being nerdy, I have 3 main “projects” which will be fed by all of my geeky activities.


Now, all of these activities sound fun. And yes, they are to me. But, these are hours upon hours of file wrangling, rendering, typing, audio and video editing.

Some people might be turned off by this. But that is the fun part for me, dreaming it up then doing it.
