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Nicolas Cage is a weird dude. I genuinely am not a huge fan of his movies, don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate the guy, I just don’t get excited of a movie because he is in it. Plus there have been a few groaners in his repertoire (NEXT anyone?).

But goddamn, Mandy was awesome. There are a few caveats to its awesomeness however, but once you get past those you are along for a pretty sweet ride.


First off, this is basically a comic book movie. How so? Well it is extremely stylized in its presentation, it actually features bookmarks which let you know one act has finished and the next has begun.

The story makes [somewhat] sense, there are over -the-top characters doing incredibly insane things.

The best way I can describe this motion picture is 1990s MTV on acid, with a hangover, after drinking Red Bull, while you listen to Pink Floyd’s The Wall.

Them filters.


Hell, this movie is so over the top that it includes a Motorcycle gang which is extremely high that they believe they are demons. 

I had never seen a Panos Cosmatos movie, but once I started doing research on him and his style, I noticed people were basically complaining that his movies are the equivalent of watching paint dry. Hell I don’t care, yes his movie was a bit of a slow burn in some sections, but it was a fun ride nonetheless.

Cheers brother, more of this please.

>> ADDENDUM – Want more Panos? Here’s a podcast with Elijah Wood. <<